Dark Love Read online

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  * * * *

  It's going to be one of those nights again. A night that I can't sleep or get myself in a comfortable position. My eyes don't want to stay shut. They want to stare into the darkness that fills my room. The only sound I hear is my voice streaming through thoughts inside my head. I wonder where Caroline is and what she's doing.

  It's almost four o'clock in the morning and I have school tomorrow. This insomnia is really driving me nuts.

  I think it's time for me to give up on sleep and go wake up Andrew. He's the only comfort I have away from all of these thoughts that are driving me crazy. If I lay here for one more minute I'll end up bursting.

  I jump up and slip my Vans on. They're so convenient in the times of rush.

  I mimic the routine I did the other night when I couldn't sleep. I tip toe through the house, leave my mother a note telling her that I went to Andrew's house, and I slip out the front door.

  I run to my car because I'm still scared of the dark that replaces the light outside. I jump into my car and declare myself safe from any harm. I turn my car on and make my adventure to Andrew's house.

  * * * *

  I arrive at Andrew's front door and remember how loud the door is when I open it. I try to be as quiet as I can, but it doesn't work out that well. The door makes so many loud noises that I would be so surprised if the neighbors don't wake up. I forgot to use the back door or a window. It just didn't cross my mind. I close the door behind me and tip toe my way to Andrew's room. I turn the corner by the living room and scream at the top of my lungs. "You can't do that to me, Andrew!"

  "I'm sorry. I figured it was you, but I had to be on the safe side."

  "I couldn't sleep, again," I admit. He should be getting used to this because I'll probably end up over here every night.

  "Well, I could really use someone to cuddle with. This house is almost empty. Only Alex is here."

  "Where is everyone else?" I ask.

  "Lilah and Ella are trying to hunt down William and Caroline." I interupt him before he finishes.

  "I thought they weren't going to try and find them?" I ask. "I was surprised when Lilah told my mom that she's trying to hunt them down."

  "Ambrogio and Selene need William's help with full protection for you and Lilah felt bad."

  "Why? I think everyone can protect me without William."

  "Julian and Abel won't be around for a while. They went to spy on the Sulivic Brothers and see what they're planning. Something big is going to happen and we need all hands on deck," Andrew confesses. This is a mess.

  "What's going to happen?" I ask.

  "The Sulivic Brothers want revenge for their brother's death. Retaliation is definitely in process. They aren't just coming to fight us vampires, they want war and they want all of us dead." Words can't leave my mouth. They want us all dead, even me and they might be speaking about Caroline also.

  "What are we going to do, Andrew? Caroline is out there somewhere. William couldn't protect her before and he sure as hell won't be able to protect her now that they're extremely pissed off!" I shout.

  "Listen, I have everything under control at the moment. Lilah and Ella are planning on bringing Caroline back here so we can protect her also." Thank God he thought ahead. Now, I remember why I trust him so much.

  "I miss Lynns so much!" I cry.

  "I know, love. We're trying to do everything we can to protect her." Andrew walks over to me and hugs me tight. "You have to respect the fact that she made a hard decision that will forever change her life. She needs to find out who she is now. Being a vampiress isn't easy, but she was doing great while she was here. All she wants to do is protect her family and create a new life with William. She really has no choice. It takes an extreme amount of strength." Andrew's right. She did make a decision that would effect so many lives, but she did it to protect her family. It did take strength. I can't believe I'm just now realizing this.

  "You're right," I sigh. "What's a vampiress?" I ask.

  "A vampiress is what we call a new female vampire. It's just "vampire slang" as humans might say," Andrew laughs.

  "So, is there anything I can do to help?"

  Andrew instantly laughs at my question. "Yes, you can go about your normal life. Go to school and start going back to work at New To You. Spend some time with me and your friends. Just be normal."

  "Sure, because normal is definitely a part of my vocabulary. Can we go lay down and cuddle?" I ask. Sleepiness is sweeping over my body and taking full control. Being with Andrew makes me feel less tense and more protected.

  "Wait," Andrew says as he grabs my hand.

  "What?" I ask in complete confusion.

  "I love you, Nina," Andrew says as he holds both of my hands and stares into my eyes. "God, I've never loved anyone the way I love you."

  "I love you, too."

  "When I say, I love you, it has absolutely nothing to do with me. I love everything about you. I've seen the best in you, your happiness. I've seen your sadness and your tears. The way you walk into a room and brighten the mood. I've seen you try, try to protect everyone, to save the world. You're the one, Nina. You're the one I've waited for, for my whole existence. You've changed my present and my future. You're the one for me, the only one for me and I see it now with perfect clarity. I still can't believe that I have the honor to call you mine. You mean more to me than the stars in the sky," Andrew speaks as he reaches into his pocket. He pulls out a small black box. "I want you to wear this promise ring to represent our love." He pulls out a beautiful gold ring, with a gem of a black heart. "I picked out this ring especially for you. This black heart is for the dark love we share."

  I'm in complete shock. I didn't see this coming. Part of me wants to decline the ring and focus on the more important matters of the life and death situation that we'll soon be presented with. The other part of me wants to just say yes and take the ring and kiss him. We would make love and it would be a happy ending for now.

  Words won't come out of my mouth. I'm in shock and it's taking over my body. I stand here with no emotion showing on my face and I just stare down at the black heart ring.

  "Nina," Andrew spoke. I can't recognize the feeling that's washing over my body and emotions. It finally hits me though, it's happiness. I want more than anything to stand here and say yes to him. Why am I hesitating?

  "I didn't expect this. Are you proposing to me?" I ask.

  "Along those lines. I'm asking you to wear this promise ring until we're really ready for marriage. I want to spend my forever with you, Nina. You're the love of my life. Marriage would be nice, but it isn't the time for that. It's a ring that holds our love and promises to be with each other for as long as love shall bond us together."

  I know in this moment what I want more than anything in this world. "My life would have no meaning without you in it, Andrew. I love you so much."

  "Is that a yes?" he asks with his bright smile and his dark eyes.

  "Yes," I say as I feel the emotion of happiness wash over me. I'm finally feeling at complete bliss with my life because of Andrew Madsen.

  * * * *

  Most people dream about successful careers and a new car or house. My dream is to find my happiness and dig myself out of this hole of depression that I was placed into. Depression is something that doesn't go away easily. I have to continue to fight this disorder everyday.

  Through my depression I hit rock bottom and fell into the deepest darkness. At first, I couldn't see any light trying to peak through and take over the darkness that surrounded me. And through the darkness, I found the love of my life. I'm just now starting to see the bright light force it's way through the darkness that's all around me.

  People think they have only one life to live so they tell you to live it up as best as you can, I don't believe that. I believe the truth is you're going to live many different lives during a lifetime, not just one. Right now, I'm trying to start a new life with Andrew beside me. One chapter in my life story has
closed and another one is just now starting to open up.

  People are so concentrated on the obvious and they look past the mystical world that is all around us. Maybe Caroline will come back. Maybe she won't. I look up to her for making the tough decision she had to make to keep her family safe and also find her new self. She's embracing the new world that has unfolded in front of her eyes and challenged her. It takes strength to embrace being someone new. In her case, she is now a vampire.

  Even though hope and faith has always given up on me so much in my life, I will still hope for a better day tomorrow and I will pray my heart out that God keeps my family safe. Who knows, maybe he will give me the great fortune of leading my sister back to us safely in Scarlett Hills.


  My names Olivia Howe. I'm currently 19 years old. I was born in Florida and raised in Maine. I enjoy writing, reading, music, and cheerleading.

  My family is my biggest support group. My 2 nieces have always inspired me to want to achieve more in life. My Dad always believed in me, even when I came to him with some crazy dreams. My mom and step-dad have always supported me throughout my life. My Auntie and Uncle Scotty have showed me how to pursue a normal and healthy lifestyle. My sister, Amanda, has always been my best friend and without her my life wouldn't be whole.

  Writing "Dark Love" truly saved my life. I was struggling with depression and anxiety when I discovered that I wanted to write a book. I didn't have any idea what the book was going to be about, but I knew I wanted to accomplish finishing a novel.

  Without "Dark Love" I would probably still be struggling with severe depression and anxiety. I was lost for a while, but writing saved my life, it truly did.

  I hope that anyone struggling with depression, anxiety, self-harm, read this book and are able to relate to my main character. Also, stay strong because things will get better. Never lose hope. Never give up on yourself.

  Being a published author is my dream in life. I'm dedicated to make my dream possible no matter how impossible it might seem. Giving up is just not an option.


  So much love to my wonderful family and friends.

  Thank you, Melissa, for being such a smart 7-year-old. We both had a lot of late nights together trying to finish this book. I'm glad I inspired you to try to write a vampire novel. You go girl! I love you to the moon and back.

  Thank you, Mariah, for being such a wonderful niece. You always loved sitting with your big sister and listening to the sound of my voice as I read chapters from “Dark Love.” I love you to the moon and back.

  Thank you, Dad, for always believing in every one of my crazy dreams. Even though I'm a terrible singer, you tried your hardest to make that dream come true. When I wanted to be a professional cheerleader, you were in the front row of my cheerleading competitions recording all of it. When I wanted to be an actress, you helped me send out all kinds of resumes to Disney Channel. Now, I finally found a dream that I feel content at. You can officially take a break from my crazy dreams. I love you infinity plus one.

  Thank you, Mom, for putting up with me for all of these years. This includes you to, Steven!

  Thank you, Amanda, for being such a good sister. We've been through a lot in life and no matter what, we've always remained best friends. I know I can always count on you for everything. Thank you, sissy. I love you.

  Thank you, Auntie Tracy and Uncle Scotty, for giving me the wonderful oppurtunity to percieve the healthy type of lifestyle. You opened my eyes to a whole new experience. Thank you for teaching me to pursue the right path in life. Thank you for caring about me and always being there no matter what. I love you both. (Southern Tinting in Port Saint Lucie, Florida.)

  So much love to my true friends. Thank you for all of the support Alyssa, Tiphanie, and Cammi.

  Thank you Mrs. Lamkins, for being such a great teacher and taking your time to edit my book. Without you my book would have been a complete mess. It really means a lot to me. Thank you!

  Thank you, Isa, for being such a wonderful blogger. I met you over facebook and you completely opened me up to the world of self-publishing, blog tours, and more. Without you I would have been completely lost. Sometimes I still am lost and I always know who to go to for help, you. I've only known you for a short period of time, but thank you for being there for me. (http://www.facebook.com/isalovesbooks)

  And last but not least, I thank God for giving me the life I have.

  Contact Information

  Website= http://www.oliviahowe.webs.com

  Facebook= http://www.facebook.com/darkloveseries

  Twitter= @OliviaMaeHowe